

You are what you eat「汝は汝が食べたものそのものである」をテーマに「人間が生きるために食べるとはどういうことなのか?」を問う絵画や立体を中心に創作するKammy(神谷)の作品にエディター&リサーチャーの+OK!(岡本)がユニバーサルな概念を植えつけるユニットとして結成 

about kammy+OK!...

The unit formed with Kammy (Kamitani), who creates mainly paintings and sculptures that ask the question, "What does it mean for a human being to eat in order to live?" based on his theme "You are what you eat", and +OK! (Okamoto), an editor and researcher, who imparts a universal concept to Kamitani's artworks.

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